Harness the power of competitive intelligence

Powerful workflow automation technology to better communicate the value and breadth of your product portfolio

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Manage and Access Product Information

Relatable is a Product Relationship Management (PRM) platform that maintains a single-source-of-truth for all data and media associated with your product portfolio and its competitive landscape, down to the individual SKU-level. Empower Contracting, Sales, Marketing, Market Intelligence, and Technical Product Support teams with a solution that makes them 10X more efficient.

See a demo of our automated RFP response.

Drive Revenue by Activating Competitive Intelligence

Automatically cross reference thousands of competitive products currently in use by customers and access detailed analytics that summarize conversion opportunities, from a large GPO RFP/RFI request to a single ASC. Do it all in minutes (not days) and eliminate missed customer deadlines.

Continually Grow SKU-Level Competitive Intelligence

Deploy Relatable’s proprietary AI toolset to uncover new products to include in your competitive cross reference intelligence. The market changes every day – Relatable helps ensure your team stays informed of every new conversion opportunity with the goal of growing revenue efficiently.

Learn how we can help you engage customers better

Get in touch with us today to learn how Relatable can help you win more business.